Sunday, April 10, 2016

3 Warning Signs Of Impacted Wisdom Teeth

Interestingly, there are few oral health abnormalities as painful as wisdom teeth problems. Impacted wisdom teeth can drive patients to the brink of desperation with regard to pain relief, surgery considerations and even time off work in severe cases. Yet not everyone struggles with wisdom teeth pain; it is common for many experts to recommend to those who do that they consider wisdom teeth removal early, even if they have not reported many problems. Showing no symptoms is not uncommon, but only a dental expert such as West Hartford dentist Dr. Elzbieta W. Basil can determine whether or not to proceed with an extraction.

When They’re Impacted, There’s a Problem

It must be understood that once problems with wisdom teeth occur, there’s a good chance they have become impacted…and if a tooth is impacted, you will know. There are an array of signs and symptoms that will alert you something is not right, and that’s when it’s time to take action. Three primary warning signs of impacted wisdom teeth are:
1.    Pain
2.    Swelling Around the Jaw
3.    Swollen, Tender, Red or Bleeding Gums

Secondary, additional symptoms may include:
  • Headaches of the Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ), the connection between the jaw and skull
  • Unpleasant breath (from bacteria that can develop)
  • Bad taste in the mouth (same)

 Complications of Impacted Wisdom Teeth
Most patients experiencing eruption of wisdom teeth endure crowding in the mouth, leading to abnormal development, with these third molars becoming impacted thus causing infection or interrupting the normal growth of the adjacent teeth. Furthermore, there are varying degrees of impacted wisdom teeth, with some partially impacted with part of the crown showing, while others never penetrate the gum and are fully impacted. There remains a high risk of complications, though, whether some or all of the wisdom teeth are partially or completely impacted. Complications can begin as bleeding gums or mild pain but if left untreated, these symptoms can develop into such hazards as:
  • Damage to Adjacent Teeth: Wisdom teeth can push on the second molars, yielding infection or the requirement of orthodontia.
  • Gum Disease and Tooth Decay: Wisdom teeth are prone to infection and decay due to this area of the mouth being rendered difficult to clean; this causes food and bacterial to become trapped between the teeth and gums.
  • Development of Cysts: Wisdom teeth grow in a sac located within the jaw and when filled with fluid can develop an uncomfortable cyst that can damage nerves.

It is imperative to schedule an appointment with Dr. Elzbieta Basil in her West Hartford dental office or her New Britain dental office as soon as you begin experiencing any of the warning signs outlined above – pain, bleeding gums, inflammation or any other symptoms. Failing to face wisdom teeth problems head-on can lead to serious complications.

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