Monday, June 6, 2016

Crooked Teeth And Cavities

Many dental patients in and around West Hartford hold the belief that orthodontics only change the look of your teeth. Consequently, they think that the only reason to straighten your teeth is if you are interested in cosmetic dentistry.

The fact is that your ability to clean your teeth is enhanced when your teeth are straight and uncrowded.

When uneven teeth begin to crowd together, it becomes difficult to make important daily cleanings effective. And, when your teeth aren’t cleaned properly, problems with plaque build-up, cavities, and gum disease ordinarily ensue.

If you are curious if your teeth are crowding or if your bite is not aligned, then you need to visit your West Hartford dentist.  At the West Hartford dental office and New Britain dental office of Dr. Elzbieta W. Basil, DMD,  we can evaluate whether or not you need orthodontics.  We can treat many cases with FastBraces® (only one wire and approximately 6 months to completion) or Invisalign® nearly invisible braces.

Also, if you feel that the appearance of your teeth is an issue, ask us about a smile makeover. There are numerous revolutionary cosmetic dentistry procedures performed daily. These include teeth whitening, veneers, dental implants, crowns, and more!  We are currently accepting new patients, so if you are in or around West Hartford, or New Britain, give us a call at 860-561-2121.

We can answer any questions you have about our top services, which are:

Zoom whitening
porcelain veneers
smile design
dental crowns

Invisalign® and FastBraces®

We hope to see you soon!


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