Thursday, January 19, 2017

Pregnancy and Dentistry: 5 Things You Need to Know

It can be a very busy time in your life if you’re pregnant, but between trips to the doctor, birthing classes and setting up the nursery, don’t let visiting the dentist fall off your pregnancy to-do list. Dr. ElzbietaW. Basil, DMD, who practices Family and Cosmetic Dentistry in West Hartford Center and Downtown New Britain, Connecticut says getting a checkup during pregnancy is safe and important for your dental health.
The American Dental Association, the American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists and the American Academy of Pediatrics all encourage women to get dental care while pregnant. Dr. Basil says, “It is an important period of time in a woman’s life and preserving good oral health is directly linked with good overall health.”

Here are five things you need to know about going to the dentist during pregnancy.
1.  Do I need to Tell My Dentist I’m Pregnant?
Even if you only think you might be pregnant, Dr. Basil says let your dental office know.  Tell them how far along you are when you make your appointment. Also you should tell your dentist about the medications you are taking or if you have received any special advice from your physician. While uncommon, if your pregnancy is high-risk or if you have certain medical conditions,  Dr. Basil says your dentist and your physician may recommend that some treatments be postponed.
2.  Can Pregnancy Affect My Mouth?
Although many women make it nine months with no dental discomfort, pregnancy can make some conditions worse – or create new ones.  According to Dr. Basil, regular checkups and good dental health habits can help keep you and your baby healthy.

Pregnancy Gingivitis
Your mouth can be affected by the hormonal changes you will experience during pregnancy. For example, some women develop a condition known as “pregnancy gingivitis,” an inflammation of the gums that can cause swelling and tenderness. Your gums also may bleed a little when you brush or floss. Left untreated, gingivitis can lead to more serious forms of gum disease. Your dentist may recommend more frequent cleanings to prevent this.

Increased Risk of Tooth Decay
Pregnant women may be more prone to cavities for a number of reasons. If you’re eating more carbohydrates than usual, this can cause decay. Morning sickness can increase the amount of acid your mouth is exposed to, which can eat away at the outer covering of your tooth (enamel).   Brushing twice a day and flossing once can also fall by the wayside during pregnancy for many reasons, including morning sickness, a more sensitive gag reflex, tender gums and exhaustion. It’s especially important to keep up your routine, as poor habits during pregnancy have been associated with premature delivery, intrauterine growth restriction, gestational diabetes and preeclampsia.

Pregnancy Tumors
In some women, overgrowths of tissue called “pregnancy tumors” appear on the gums, most often during the second trimester. It is not cancer but rather just swelling that happens most often between teeth. They may be related to excess plaque. They bleed easily and have a red, raw-looking raspberry-like appearance. They usually disappear after your baby is born, but if you are concerned, talk to your dentist about removing them.
3.  Is it Safe for me to Take Medications My Dentist Prescribes?
Dr. Basil says it is important to tell your dentist what, if any, prescription medications and over-the-counter drugs you are taking. This information will help your dentist determine what type of prescription, if any, to write for you.  If you need medicines like painkillers or antibiotics, your dentist and physician can consult to determine which are safe for you during the pregnancy.
4.  What About Numbing Medications During Pregnancy?
If you’re pregnant and need a filling, root canal or tooth pulled, one thing you don’t have to worry about is the safety of the numbing medications your dentist may use during the procedure. They are, in fact, safe for both you and your baby.

A study in the August 2015 issue of the Journal of the American Dental Association followed a group of pregnant women who had procedures that used anesthetics like lidocaine shots and a group that did not. The study showed these treatments were safe during pregnancy, as they cause no difference in the rate of miscarriages, birth defects, prematurity or weight of the baby. The study identified no evidence to show that dental treatment with anesthetics is harmful during pregnancy. In fact it was specifically aimed to determine if there was a significant risk associated with dental treatment with anesthesia and pregnancy outcomes. The study did not find any such risk.
5.  Can I Get a Dental X-Ray While Pregnant?
About half of the women in the anesthetic JADA study had X-rays taken while they were pregnant, which were also found to be safe. It’s possible you’ll need an X-ray if you suffer a dental emergency or if there is a need to diagnose a dental problem. Although, radiation from dental X-rays is extremely low, your dentist or hygienist will cover you with a leaded apron that minimizes exposure to the abdomen. Your dental office will also cover your throat with a leaded collar to protect your thyroid from radiation.

If you have more questions about dentistry and pregnancy, ask Dr. Basil.

Keep smiling,


Dr. Elzbieta W. Basil, DMD is a private practice dentist with offices in West Hartford Center and Downtown New Britain, Connecticut.  She is a Clinical Instructor at the UConn School of Dental Medicine, and has won several awards naming her regional “Best Dentist” and “Top Dentist.” She is an active member of the Connecticut State Dental Association and the American Dental Association. Tel: 860-561-2121

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