Thursday, March 31, 2016

Is Your Oral Health Affecting Your Sex Life?

Oral hygiene and sexual health may have more in common than you think. For men, gum disease may be associated with an increased risk for impotence, so men, sit up and take notice.

A recent study carried out in Taiwan showed there could be a link between erectile dysfunction and severe gum disease or periodontal disease. The erectile dysfunction study was led by members of the Far Easter Memorial Hospital and the Herng-Ching Lin School of Health Care Administration at Taipei Medical University. The study involved 33,000 Taiwanese men with erectile dysfunction and 162,000 Taiwanese men who did not have erectile dysfunction.

Periodontitis occurs when gingivitis goes untreated. This severe form of gum disease causes inflammation which can ultimately lead to tooth loss. If periodontitis is untreated, it can lead to infections of the jaw bones and gums.

The results showed that 27% of the group with erectile dysfunction had periodontitis, compared to just 9% of the group who did not have any sexual problems. This is quite a difference, especially when you consider the comparison group is nearly 5 times the size of the group with erectile dysfunction.

The study went on for 5 years.  During this time period, gum disease was more common in men with erectile dysfunction when compared to the group who did not have sexual problems, After researchers took into consideration other factors like income and pre-existing medical conditions, gum disease was still more common in men with erectile dysfunction in two specific age groups. Gum disease and erectile dysfunction was more prevalent in men under the age of 30 and men over the age of 70.

It’s not quite clear why there should be this link between erectile dysfunction and periodontal disease, but it is thought it’s due to the disease being inflammatory, and that this could damage the blood vessels leading to the penis.

Luckily enough, gum disease is easily treatable and periodontitis is preventable. Brush your teeth, floss and schedule routine dental visits to ensure healthy gums. While the link between gum disease and erectile dysfunction is not exactly known at this preliminary stage, it never hurts to have good dental hygiene.

If You Want a Healthy Sex Life then Look After Your Teeth

Periodontal disease can be a huge problem, as it is the major reason why teeth are lost, and numerous studies have linked it to other serious health conditions including cardiovascular disease and diabetes.   In addition to the erectile dysfunction component, if you want a healthy sex life then you need to make sure you have a healthy mouth and a healthy body. You’re more likely to find your partner wants to become intimate with you if your teeth are healthy and clean, and your breath is fresh.

Preventative Dental Care May Improve Your Sex Life

Luckily it is relatively easy to get and maintain good dental health, and if you are overdue for your professional cleaning and checkup, then now would be a great time to book that appointment.

During your appointment West Hartford dentist Dr. Elzbieta Basil will check the health of your teeth and gums, and will devise a suitable treatment plan for any signs of periodontal disease. Regular professional cleanings are extremely important, as they help to keep your gums healthy and strong, lessening the chances of you developing gum disease. At the end of your hygiene treatment your breath should be fresher, and your teeth should look a bit whiter from being polished which could help improve your appeal!

Dr. Basil’s hygienists can also advise you on the best way to keep your teeth and gums healthy at home, and the best tools to use.  You can get dental cleanings from them in her West Hartford dental office or her New Britain dental office.  Once your teeth and gums are in good condition then it is quite straightforward to keep them that way, hopefully decreasing your chances of experiencing erectile dysfunction.

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